/* Most common used flex styles*/ /* Basic flexbox reverse styles */ /* Flexbox alignment */ /* Non-flexbox positioning helper styles */

The Polymer library is in maintenance mode. For new development, we recommend Lit.

You're viewing an older version of the Polymer library documentation. Please see Polymer 3.0 for the latest.

Polymer 2.x uses EcmaScript 2015 (commonly known as ES6). The following browsers support all of the ES6 features required by Polymer:

  • Chrome or Chromium version 49 or later.
  • Opera 36 or later.
  • Safari or Mobile Safari 10 or later.
  • Edge 15.15063 or later.
  • Firefox 51 or later.

For other browsers, you should compile your application to ES5.

Information on multiple builds and differential serving is available in the documentation on building for production.

Polymer 2.x and native 2.x class-style elements are written using the next generation of the JavaScript standard, EcmaScript 2015 (more commonly known as ES6). ES6 is required by the native custom element specification. (All browsers that implement native custom elements also support ES6.)

The Polymer CLI and polymer-build library support compiling ES6 to ES5 at build time. In addition, the polymer serve and polymer test commands compile at runtime when required by the browser.

Device emulation may cause errors. When using DevTools device emulation in Chrome, polymer serve will serve compiled code when emulating iOS devices, and uncompiled code when emulating Android devices. When switching between devices, the browser may end up with both compiled and uncompiled code in its cache, resulting in errors. To avoid this problem, run polymer serve with the --compile never option when testing with device emulation.

For best performance, you should serve ES6 code to browsers that support it, and only serve ES5 code to browsers that don't support ES6.

If you need to statically host your code and serve a single version to all browsers, compile to ES5.

When you use the Polymer CLI to compile your app, the CLI automatically compiles the correct files and injects custom-elements-es5-adapter.js, a lightweight polyfill that lets compiled ES5 work on browsers that support native custom elements.

If you're putting together a custom build:

  • Polymer requires all ES6 features except modules. (If you're using Babel, you can use babel-preset-es2015 with the modules option set to false.)
  • You must compile all your elements, the Polymer library, and any third-party elements you're using, but not the polyfills.
  • If you're serving compiled code to browsers that support native custom elements, inject the custom-elements-es5-adapter.js script at build time. The polymer-build library provides a addCustomElementsEs5Adapter method to inject the script. If that method doesn't work with your build system, see the webcomponentsjs README for details on using the script.